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STV®CNC Review and Reward Program

As a preferred customer, we want to offer you the opportunity to have your voice be heard representing your full experience with STV®CNC. Your opinion is valuable to us and your written and video review will form the base of future growth and expansion. Thanking you in advance.

Please fill out the form below and upload a 20 second video speaking briefly about yourself, your company and your experience with STV® and the plasma table you purchased.

The name under the purchased order will better assist your Technical Support Agent. If you have purchased from another Table Owner, write their name or company name.

What STV® Products do you have?

If needed, attach an image that might help your Technical Support agent better assess a solution.
MAX FILE SIZE UPLOAD: 16MB. If needed, attach your video here. If the upload fails, you can use to upload and send us your video to