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428926 Powermax® 30-45A RevB Mechanized SYNC® FineCut® Cartridge


The #428926 RevB FineCut® Cartridge is the latest Update Release by Hypertherm® on offering a Tri-lobe Castellated Shield Tip specifically designed to improve Arc Quality and Effectiveness. FineCut® cartridges produce a narrower kerf on thin mild steel and stainless steel up to 3 mm (10 gauge) which is ideal for fine detail cutting. To maximize cartridge life and performance it is important to select the cartridge that is optimized for the workpiece you are cutting.

Type: Mechanized FineCut® (30 A – 45 A)
Update: FineCut® RevB for Improved Arc Quality & Effectiveness
Rev B: 
FineCut® Tri-lobe Castellated Shield Tip Design
Compatible with: Mechanized SmartSYNC® torches for the Powermax65/85/105 SYNC® systems
Quantity per order: 1 piece/cartridge

Availability: In stock

Why Choose Hypertherm SYNC® Cartridges?

Top Benefits of SYNC® Cartridges


  • Cartridge lasts up to twice as long when hand cutting and provides improved cut quality for mechanized torch simpler ordering and inventory management
  • Traditional consumable pieces wear out at different times/rates


  • Avoid having to stock 5 different consumable parts on hand
  • After a quick install onto the torch, system automatically sets the correct amperage without guessing, sets air pressure and goes into cutting mode.
  • SYNC torch has built-in controls which allow the operator to adjust the amperage and turn the torch on and off without returning to the power supply.
  • Alleviates the process of training on-site employees on usage
  • Ability to swap out for other cutting styles: Drag cutting, Bevel cutting, Fine feature cutting, Flush cutting, Extended reach cutting, Gouging


  • Cartridge Reader allows to analyze performance for starts, transfers, arc-on time, and other valuable cartridge data from the cut job into your project cost analysis for customers
  • Cartridge notifies 1st and 2nd end of life alerts.
  • Cartridge data can help you spot issues early on before consumable life is impacted or a specific project mid cut.


  • Reduce inspection time with consumables
  • Reduce troubleshooting down to one cartridge piece, instead of 5 pieces in the correct order.

This section answers questions and phrases like: Why are sync cartridges better? Why are Hypertherm sync consumables better? compare sync consumables; standard consumables versus sync cartridges; hypertherm consumable comparison of old and new sync cartridges; benefits of sync consumables; one piece cartridge versus consumables; sync system torch consumable compare; sync cut quality; consumable life; powermax consumable troubleshooting for sync cartridges.

MILD STEEL - FineCut® High Speed - Air

STAINLESS STEEL - FineCut® Low Speed - Air

MILD STEEL - FineCut® Low Speed - Air

STAINLESS STEEL - FineCut® High Speed - Air

How Powermax SYNC® will change the way you work.

What is Powermax SYNC®? Tell me more about sync consumables

Benefits of Hypertherm® cartridges

Cartridge Consumable replaces five consumable parts with one

Weight 1.2 lbs


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